Apr 22 2021

    With growing interest, I keep getting asked “what exactly is the ‘Cubewise EDU TM1 Developer Credential'”?

    The Credential was developed in partnership with DeakinCo. and is another initiative in Cubewise’s ongoing contribution to the ideals of #DoGoodTM1

    At Cubewise, we had a growing list of TM1 and Planning Analytics customers that were asking us to take part in their recruitment  for their internal TM1 and Planning Analytics Administrators and Developers. Cubewise has always encouraged and supported customers in learning and doing TM1 and Planning Analytics themselves – not just to become self-sufficient, but to become sustainably competent.

    Mostly our participation took the form of providing our opinion of candidates’ TM1 and Planning Analytics skills by running technical skills assessment exercises on behalf of our customers. But relying on Cubewise to do these skills assessments was simply not a scalable way to help employers determine the skills of candidates. Without help from us, unless customers had people with strong TM1 and Planning Analytics skills internally already who could get involved in the recruitment process, there was absolutely no way for them to assess whether a candidate had the skills to actually develop a solid TM1 and Planning Analytics model.

    As for TM1 and Planning Analytics Developers, all existing certifications available to them were only testing for conceptual understanding of TM1 and Planning Analytics and/or development functions – these assessments are specifically not assessing whether the person could apply that knowledge to achieve a real-world outcome. Further, if this person can get an outcome (which is not really that difficult), is that outcome scalable and sustainable? Does it show a strong understanding of TM1 and Planning Analytics and where best to apply all of the tools of the TM1 and Planning Analytics trade (Turbo Integrator, Cube Rules, Excel capabilities, various other front ends, etc)? In short, can this person demonstrate that they have actually done real TM1 and Planning Analytics development in the past in a way that will provide assurance they can do it again?

    This is what employers really need to know when hiring a TM1 and Planning Analytics Administrator or Developer. And unfortunately, a good TM1 and Planning Analytics Developer is not easy to spot based on quantity of years of experience – much more important is the quality of that experience and more critically did they learn anything of value from that experience?

    The problem is simply that there was no standard in the market that defines what “good TM1 and Planning Analytics” looks like or how to recognise if someone can “do good TM1 and Planning Analytics”. It is not just the employers that suffer from this lack of definition of “what is good TM1 and Planning Analytics and can this person do it?” From the point of view of a person who has TM1 and Planning Analytics Development as part of his or her job they can never be sure how their skills are not up to scratch, how can they assess which aspects of TM1 and Planning Analytics development they need to improve to get them up to scratch? In short, as a TM1 and Planning Analytics Developer, how can I confirm whether what I am doing is “good TM1 and Planning Analytics” or not?

    This is why we teamed up with our friends at DeakinCo. to focus on addressing this problem; namely that many professionals out there have valuable skills that they have earned through real world experience, but for which they could not show qualifications. It is a simple fact that employers would like to know that these people have verified that they have these real world skills – these skills have tangible, real value to companies in many times far beyond the person’s actual University degree. Such skills are hard to decipher within just the descriptions of experience one can write on a CV or resume.

    Cubewise EDU have developed a robust, professional TM1 Developer Credential that once and for all defines the bar of “what is good TM1 and Planning Analytics development” and more specifically “what does one need to be able to prove that he or she can implement a working, robust TM1 and Planning Analytics system given reasonable functional requirements?”

    The result is a chance for TM1 Developers around the world to earn their Credential, which will finally help employers find proven TM1 and Planning Analytics capability, and help TM1 Developers prove their ability in the market.

    The bar has been set – so please check out the Credential and #DoGoodTM1. To find out more about the Cubewise EDU TM1 Developer Credential – please go here edu.cubewise.com/credential

    Ben Heinl
    Director, Cubewise

    All successful candidates who achieve the TM1 Developer Credential will be able to pass on the details for potential employers to authenticate their knowledge.

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