TM1PrimaryDBName function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)
TM1PrimaryDBName returns the primary TM1 server name in which the user is authenticated. This function is valid only in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel and in Planning Analytics websheets. It is not supported in IBM TM1 Perspectives.
In this video, TM1PrimaryDBName will be used to obtain the TM1 server name.
Where can the TM1PrimaryDBName function be used?
Which TM1 Server version is the TM1PrimaryDBName function available for?
Version 11 and 12
What is the syntax for TM1PrimaryDBName?
Relevant Functions
- TM1GlobalSandbox = Returns the active sandbox for the user
- TM1Info = Returns information on the TM1 client
- TM1PrimaryDBName = Returns the primary TM1 server name the user is authenticated in
- TM1User = Returns the user logged in
- TM1Val = A hierarchy-aware formula that reads, writes, or clears a cell which works with TM1 Web and IBM Planning Analytics for Excel