ConsolidatedAvg function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)
ConsolidatedAvg returns the average value in a consolidation.
In this video, ConsolidatedAvg is used to calculate average value in a consolidation and apply it in the rule to populate the Avg_Value measure in the Product Scorecard cube.
Where can the ConsolidatedAvg function be used?
Rules and TurboIntegrator
Which TM1 Server version is the ConsolidatedAvg function available for?
Version 11 and 12
What is the syntax for ConsolidatedAvg?
ConsolidatedAvg(flag-value, cube-name, element_1, element_2,… )
Relevant Functions
- ConsolidateChildren = Forces consolidate value to be calculated by summing immediate children
- ConsolidatedAvg = Returns the average value in a consolidation
- ConsolidatedCount = Returns the number of values in a consolidation
- ConsolidatedCountUnique = Counts the unique elements of the consolidated cell in one dimension
- ConsolidatedMax = Returns the maximum value in a consolidation
- ConsolidatedMin = Returns the minimum value in a consolidation