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DayNo function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)

    DayNo returns the serial number from a date in a numeric format.

    In this video, the DayNo function will be used to retrieve the serial number from a date.

    Where can the DayNo function be used?

    Rules and TurboIntegrator

      Which TM1 Server version is the DayNo function available for?

      Version 11 and 12

        What is the syntax for DayNo?


        • Date = a string in format YY-MM-DD.

        Relevant Functions

        • Date = returns the date in a string yy-dd-mm format.
        • Dates = returns the date in a string yy-dd-mm or yyyy-dd-mm format.
        • Day = Returns the day from a date in a numeric format.
        • DayNo = Returns the serial number from a date in a numeric format.
        • Month = Returns the month from a date in a numeric format.
        • Now = Returns the current Time in a serial number format.
        • Time = Returns the current time from the TM1 server in a string format. 
        • TimSt = Returns a formatted date/time in a string format.
        • TimVl = Returns a formatted date/time in a string format.
        • Today = Returns the current date in a string yy-dd-mm format.
        • Year = Returns the year from a date in a numeric format.