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AsciiOutputOpen function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)

    AsciiOutputOpen appends or overwrites content in a specified existing file that you would use in conjunction with functions that write to a file like AsciiOutput and TextOutput.

    Where can the AsciiOutputOpen function be used?


      Which TM1 Server version is the AsciiOutputOpen function available for?

      Version 11 and 12

        What is the syntax for AsciiOutputOpen?

        AsciiOutputOpen(Filename, OpeningMode)

        • ​Filename: Location | File Name | File Extension
          • Location:
            • File Path = c:…
            • URL = https://
            • Blank = uses the loggingdirectory parameter from tm1s.cfg
          • File Name: any text except these characters / < > : “ / \ | ? *
          • File Extension
            • .csv = comma-delimited
            • .txt = everything else
        • OpeningMode
          • 0 = overwrite
          • 1 = append mode without shared read access
          • 2 = overwrite mode, share read access enabled
          • 3 = append mode, shared read access enabled

            FILE_OPEN_APPEND() = append mode
            FILE_OPEN_SHARED() = shared read access enabled
            e.g. FILE_OPEN_APPEND()+FILE_OPEN_SHARED() = 3

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