Expand function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)
Expand expands variable names, enclosed in % signs.
In this video, Expand is used to retrieve a variable using an index number.

Where can the Expand function be used?

Which TM1 Server version is the Expand function available for?
Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for Expand?
- String = a variable encased in % (e.g. %vProduct%)

Relevant Functions
- AddInfoCubeRestriction = Filters InfoCube data as it is pulled into TM1. Use this function to restrict the values that are imported for a specified characteristic
- Expand = Expands variable names, enclosed in % signs
- FileExists = Searches if a file exists in a folder. If the file exists, then 1 is returned, otherwise 0 is returned
- LogOutput = Writes a message to the tm1server.log file
- TM1User = Returns the user logged in
- WildcardFileSearch = Searches files using wildcard characters in a folder