RemoveCAMIDAssociationFromGroup function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)
RemoveCAMIDAssociationFromGroup removes an association between a TM1 user group and a CAMID.
In the video, the RemoveCAMIDAssociationFromGroup will be used to remove “CAMID Group C” association with ‘Group C” TM1 user group in }ClientCAMAssociatedGroups control cube.
Where can the RemoveCAMIDAssociationFromGroup function be used?
Which TM1 Server version is the RemoveCAMIDAssociationFromGroup function available for?
Version 11
What is the syntax for RemoveCAMIDAssociationFromGroup ?
RemoveCAMIDAssociationFromGroup(GroupName, CAMID)
- GroupName = the name of TM1 user group
- CAMID = the name of the CAMID group (Cognos Access Manager ID)
Relevant Functions
- AddClient = Creates a new client on the server.
- AddGroup = Create a new group on the server
- AssignClientPassword = Change the password for a user.
- AssignClientToGroup = Assigns an existing client on a server to an existing user group.
- AssociateCAMIDToGroup = creates an association between a TM1 user group and a CAMID (Cognos Access Manager ID) that can be viewed in }ClientCAMAssociatedGroups control cube.
- CellSecurityCubeCreate = Creates cell security for a cube
- CellSecurityCubeDestroy = Deletes cube’s cell security
- DeleteClient = Deletes an existing client from the server.
- DeleteGroup = Deletes a group from the server
- ElementSecurityGet = Retrieves the security level assigned to a specified group for a dimension element
- ElementSecurityPut = Assigns a security level to a specified group for an element
- HierarchyElementSecurityGet = Returns the level of security privilege designated to a group for an element
- HierarchyElementSecurityPut = Sets security access for a group to an element
- RemoveCAMIDAssociation = Removes all associations of a specified CAMID with TM1 user groups
- RemoveCAMIDAssociationFromGroup = Removes an association between a TM1 user group and a CAMID
- RemoveClientFromGroup = Removes a client from a TM1 user group.
- SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault = Creates Security Overlay cube for a specific cube with a dimension map based on the dimension order in the cube to lock and unlock specific intersections at the cell level
- SecurityOverlayDestroyGlobalDefault = Deletes the Security Overlay cube for a specific cube with a dimension map based on the dimension order in the cube
- SecurityOverlayGlobalLockCell = Locks or unlocks a specific intersection or cell in the cube based on the combination of dimension elements assigned in the Security Overlay cube of a specific cube
- SecurityOverlayGlobalLockNode = Locks or unlocks a specific intersection or cell in the cube based on the combination of dimension elements assigned in the Security Overlay cube of a specific cube
- SecurityRefresh = Applies any security changes to the TM1 Server. This function reads all the security control cubes and applies security changes to the TM1 Server
- SetDimensionGroupsSecurity = Sets the level of security to a dimension for non-admin groups
- SetElementGroupsSecurity = Sets the level of security to an element for non-admin groups
- SetHierarchyElementGroupsSecurity = Sets the level of security to an element on a hierarchy to non-admin groups
- SetHierarchyGroupsSecurity = Sets level of security to an element on a hierarchy to non-admin groups