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ServerSandboxMerge function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)

    ServerSandboxMerge merges a source sandbox into a target sandbox for the user who executed the process.

    In this video, ServerSandboxMerge will be used to merge the sandbox ‘Goal’ to ‘Training’.

    Where can the ServerSandboxMerge function be used?


      Which TM1 Server version is the ServerSandboxMerge function available for?

      Version 11 and 12

        What is the syntax for ServerSandboxMerge?

        ServerSandboxMerge(SourceSandboxName, TargetSandboxName, ConflictRes, WaitForLocks)

        • ​​SourceSandboxName = Name of the existing sandbox owned by the user that will be merged into the target sandbox.​
        • TargetSandboxName = Name of the existing sandbox owned by the user that will be targeted and receive values from the source sandbox. If black, TM1 will consider the TM1 database as a target.​
        • ConflictRes = Optional and ignored parameter.​
        • WaitForLocks = Optional Boolean parameter. 1 means TM1 will wait to solve locks or exceptions and try the task again without rolling back the number. 0 means TM1 will not wait for exceptions and rollback if that happens.

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