ViewColumnDimensionSet function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)
ViewColumnDimensionSet sets the dimension in a column position for a cube view.
In the video, ViewColumnDimensionSet will be used to set the dimension Year in the column position for the default view as the top-most stacked position.
Where can the ViewColumnDimensionSet function be used?
Which TM1 Server version is the ViewColumnDimensionSet function available for?
Version 11 and 12
What is the syntax for ViewColumnDimensionSet?
ViewColumnDimensionSet(CubeName, ViewName, DimName, StackPosition)
- CubeName = Cube Name
- ViewName = View Name
- DimName = Dimension Name
- Stack Position = A number that points to the stack position of the dimension in the view. 1 indicates the top-most stack position. 2 indicates a position below 1, etc
Relevant Functions
- DisableMTQViewConstruct = Disables multi-threaded query processing in a process that uses a cube view as the datasource
- EnableMTQViewConstruct = Enables multi-threaded query processing in a process that uses a cube view as the datasource
- PublishView = Converts a private subset to public
- ViewColumnDimensionSet = Sets the dimension in a column position for a cube view
- ViewColumnSuppressZeroesSet = Hide or display columns containing zero values in a cube view
- ViewConstruct = Pre-calculates a view and stores the view in memory for faster access
- ViewCreate = ViewCreate creates an empty view for a cube
- ViewCreateByMDX = Creates a cube view with an MDX expression
- ViewDestroy = Deletes cube view
- ViewExists = Checks whether a view exists
- ViewExtractFilterByTitlesSet = Skip or include elements in the title axis when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput
- ViewExtractSkipCalcsSet = Skip or include consolidated values when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput
- ViewExtractSkipConsolidatedStringsSet = Skip or include strings on consolidated values when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput
- ViewExtractSkipRuleValuesSet = Skip or include ruled values when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput
- ViewExtractSkipZeroesSet = Skip or include zeros when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput
- ViewMDXGet = Retrieves the MDX expression for a cube view
- ViewMDXSet = Sets the MDX expression for a cube view
- ViewRowDimensionSet = Sets the row for a cube view
- ViewRowSuppressZeroesSet = Hides or displays rows containing zero values in a cube view
- ViewSubsetAssign = Assigns a named subset in a view
- ViewSuppressZeroesSet = Hides or displays all rows and columns containing zero values in a cube view
- ViewTitleDimensionSet = Set a dimension to the title position for a cube view
- ViewTitleElementSet = Sets an element to a dimension in the title position for a cube view
- ViewZeroOut = Zeroes out all data to a cube view