TM1 Function for Excel, TM1ELLIST

Where can the TM1ELLIST function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?


What is the TM1ELLIST function?

TM1ELLIST returns elements based on a list of elements, MDX or set.

What is the syntax for TM1ELLIST?

TM1ELLIST(TM1ServerName:Dimension, SetName, ElementList, AliasOverride, ExpandAbove, MDXOverride, IndentRate, IndentCharacter);

– TM1ServerName = Name of the TM1 Server
– Dimension = Name of the Dimension (REQUIRED)
– SetName = Set name (OPTIONAL)
– ElementList = An array of elements. For example {“4”;”40”;”400”} (OPTIONAL)
– AliasOverride = Name of an alias (OPTIONAL)
– ExpandAbove = A Boolean field. 1 for consolidations to expand above or 0 to expand below. As a default, it is set to 0 (OPTIONAL)
– MDXOverride = An MDX expression (OPTIONAL)
– IndentRate = Enter a number to indicate the indentation applied to each level. A value of 0 applies no indentation. As a default, the indentation of 1 is applied (OPTIONAL)
– IndentCharacter = Set a character for the indentation. As a default, a space is used. (OPTIONAL)

NOTE: There are three methods to set the list: SetName, ElementList and MDX. The order in precedence is MDX, ElementList then SetName

A demonstration of how to use TM1ELLIST

1st Demo – return the set All Products by Category from the Product Type dimension
2nd Demo – return all descendants from the consolidation All Products by Category from the Product Type dimension