TM1 Function for Excel, TM1INFO

TM1INFO returns information on the TM1 client.

Where can the TM1INFO function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the TM1INFO function?

TM1INFO returns information on the TM1 client.
This function is valid only in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel and in Planning Analytics websheets. It is not supported in IBM® TM1® Perspectives.

What is the syntax for TM1INFO?

TM1INFO(Property Name)
Property Name can be one of the following:
•clientversion – Returns full client version number
•clientversionmajor – Returns the Major client version number
•clientversionminor – returns the minor client version number
•clientversionpatch – Returns the fix pack and hotfix number
•client – Returns the name of the client

A demonstration on how to use TM1INFO

Use the property names defined above with TM1INFO to get information about the TM1 client.