TM1 Function for Excel, TM1RPTVIEW

TM1RPTVIEW controls the definition of the report like zero suppression and the format area. Used for Dynamic Reports (Active Form).

Where can the TM1RPTVIEW function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the TM1RPTVIEW function?

TM1RPTVIEWcontrols the definition of the report like zero suppression and the format area. Used for Dynamic Reports (Active Form).

What is the syntax for TM1RPTVIEW?

TM1RPTVIEW(ViewID, ZeroSuppression, TM1RptTitle1, TM1RptTitleN, TM1RptFmtRng, TM1RptFmtIDCol)
ViewID = a ID that uniquely identifies the Dynamic report. The format is TM1ServerName:Cube:UniqueID
ZeroSuppression = controls row zero suppression. 1 to suppress, 0 to un-suppress
TM1RptTitle = TM1RptTitle function per title dimension.
TM1RptFmtRngUniqueID = Dynamic report format area
TM1RptFmtIDColUniqueID = ID of each row for the Dynamic Report format area

A demonstration on how to use TM1RPTVIEW

In a Dynamic Report, change TM1RPTVIEW to suppress and un-suppress zeros on the row set.