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TM1 Function for TI, ​AssociateCAMIDToGroup

Creates an association between a TM1 user group and a CAMID (Cognos Access Manager ID) that can be viewed in }ClientCAMAssociatedGroups control cube.

What is the AssociateCAMIDToGroup function?

AssociateCAMIDToGroup creates an association between a TM1 user group and a CAMID (Cognos Access Manager ID) that can be viewed in }ClientCAMAssociatedGroups control cube. 

Where can the AssociateCAMIDToGroup function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for AssociateCAMIDToGroup?

AssociateCAMIDToGroup(GroupName, CAMID, CAMIDDisplayValue);​

​GroupName = the name of TM1 user group​
CAMID = the name of the CAMID group (Cognos Access Manager ID)​
CAMIDDisplayValue = the alias of the CAMID group

A demonstration on how to use AssociateCAMIDToGroup

Associate TM1 user Group A with CAMID Group A, Group B with CAMID Group B, and Group C with CAMID Group C.