TM1 Function for TI, CellGetN

Retrieves a numeric value from a cube cell.

What is the CellGetN function?

CellGetN retrieves a numeric value from a cube cell.

Where can the CellGetN function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for CellGetN?

CellGetN(Cube, e1, e2 [,…en])​;

​Cube = Cube Name to retrieve the data from​
e1,e2….en = Dimension element names determining the data point within the cube to be retrieved. The sequence of the element arguments should match to the order of the dimension in the cube.​

– Principle element name or Alias can be used as the argument to the function​
– If using hierarchies, dimension name should be mentioned along with the element name like HierarchyName:ElementName

A demonstration on how to use CellGetN

Use CellGetN to retrieve a value from the Product Scorecard cube.