TM1 Function for TI, CellIncrementN

Increases a numeric value by a value.

What is the CellIncrementN function?

CellIncrementN increases a numeric value by a value.

Where can the CellIncrementN function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for CellIncrementN?

CellIncrementN(Value, Cube, e1, e2 [,…en])​;

​Value = a numeric value by which the existing cell value to be increased.​
Value can be any number by itself or a number derived via a formula or a number retrieved from another cube such as assumptions cube etc​
Cube = Cube Name to update the data​
e1,e2….en = Dimension element names determining the data point within the cube to be retrieved. The sequence of the element arguments should match to the order of the dimension in the cube.​

– Principle element name or Alias can be used as the argument to the function​
– If using hierarchies, dimension name should be mentioned along with the element name like HierarchyName:ElementName

A demonstration on how to use CellIncrementN

From the Product Scorecard cube using the view, Accessories, increment the value by 500. Product Scorecard dimension order:​
1. Version​
2. Year​
3. Quarter​
4. Product Type​
5. Product Scorecard​
6. Product Scorecard Measure