TM1 Function for TI, CubeAttrInsert

Creates a new attribute for Cubes.

What is the CubeAttrInsert function?

CubeAttrInsert creates a new attribute for Cubes.

Where can the CubeAttrInsert function be used?


What is the syntax for …?

CubeAttrInsert(PreviousAttributeName, NewAttributeName, AttributeType); 

​PreviousAttributeName = Name of the attribute that antecedes the new attribute (order). If the new attribute is to be the first, leave this parameter blank.​
NewAttributeName = Name of the new attribute to be added.​
AttributeType = Type of the attribute to be created. The attribute types are:​
– N: Numeric attribute
– S: String attribute
– A: Alias attribute

A demonstration on how to use CubeAttrInsert

Use CubeAttrInsert to create the attribute, Description, for Cubes.