TM1 Function for TI, CubeDataReservationAcquire

Acquires data reservation for a cube, user and intersection.

What is the CubeDataReservationAcquire function?

CubeDataReservationAcquire acquires data reservation for a cube, user and intersection.

Where can the CubeDataReservationAcquire function be used?


What is the syntax for CubeDataReservationAcquire?

CubeDataReservationAcquire(CubeName, User, BooleanForce, Address, AddressDelimiter)​;

​CubeName = The cube where the data reservation will be acquired.​
User = client on the TM1 Server​
BooleanForce = “1” will force the reservation, “0” will only acquire data reservation if there is no conflict.​
Address = This needs the elements of each dimension in the cube. It also needs to be in the order that the dimensions are ordered in the cube.​
AddressDelimiter = This can be any character that will split the elements if the character is not in the element name. “|” is the default.

A demonstration on how to use CubeDataReservationAcquire

Use CubeDataReservationAcquire acquire data reservation for the user, TEST, in the General Ledger cube.