TM1 Function for TI, CubeDataReservationGet

Finds the data reservations for a cube.

What is the CubeDataReservationGet function?

CubeDataReservationGet finds the data reservations for a cube.

Where can the CubeDataReservationGet function be used?


What is the syntax for CubeDataReservationGet?

CubeDataReservationGet(Index, CubeName, User, AddressDelimiter)​;

​Index = This starts at one if there is a reservation. A while loop can be used to loop through the indexes by increasing the index.​
CubeName = The cube where the data reservation will be acquired.​
User = User on the TM1 server. If left blank, all users will be used.​
AddressDelimiter = This can be any character that will split the elements if the character is not in the element name. “|” is the default.

A demonstration on how to use CubeDataReservationGet

​Use CubeDataReservationGet to find the data reservation set in the General Ledger cube for the user TEST.