TM1 Function for TI, CubeDRGet

Finds existing reservations on a specific cube for all or one user.

What is the CubeDRGet function?

CubeDRGet finds existing reservations on a specific cube for all or one user. This function applies to dimensions with one or more hierarchies, while CubeDataReservationGet is used for dimensions with a single hierarchy.

Where can the CubeDRGet function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11

What is the syntax for CubeDRGet?

CubeDRGet(Index, Cube, User, Element-list)​;

Index = A one-based loop index to use for iterating through reservations on the specified cube.​
Cube = The name​
User = The username. If blank, all users will be used.​
Element-list = list of individual element name arguments.

A demonstration on how to use CubeDRGet

Use CubeDRGet to return the data reconversion set for the user, TEST, in the Product Type By Region cube.