TM1 Function for TI, CubeSetConnParams

Sets the connection parameters and encrypt the password for a virtual cube stored in }CubeProperties control cube.

What is the CubeSetConnParams function?

CubeSetConnParams sets the connection parameters and encrypt the password for a virtual cube stored in }CubeProperties control cube. 

Where can the CubeSetConnParams function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11

What is the syntax for CubeSetConnParams?

CubeSetConnParams(CubeName, ProviderName, DataSourceLocation, DataSourceName, DataSourceCatalog, UserID, Password, SAPClientID, SAPClientLang, ProviderString); ​

​CubeName = cube name​
ProviderName = provider Name​
DataSourceLocation = data source location​
DataSourceName = data source name​
DataSourceCatalog = data source catalog​
UserID = user name for the database​
Password = Password to be encrypted​
SAPClientID = SAP client ID​
SAPClientLang = SAP language setting​
ProviderString = provider string

A demonstration on how to use …

Use CubeSetConnParams to set up a connection to the Employee cube.