TM1 Function for TI, DimensionAttrSL

DIMENSIONATTRSL returns a string attribute for a specified dimension given a language locale.

What is the DimensionAttrSL function?

DimensionAttrSL returns a string attribute for a specified dimension given a language locale.

Where can the DimensionAttrSL function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for DimensionAttrSL?

DimensionAttrSL(DimName, AttrName, [Locale]);​
​DimName = Dimension name.​
AttrName = Attribute name.
Locale = language locale corresponds to the international language code from the }Cultures control dimension. If blank, the users’ current locale is used. For example, ‘fr-CA’ represents French-Cananda.