TM1 Function for TI, ​DimensionElementDeleteDirect

Deletes an element directly in a dimension. This function is actioned immediately.

What is the DimensionElementDeleteDirect function?

DimensionElementDeleteDirect deletes an element directly in a dimension. This function is actioned immediately.  To action this function until the process makes a commitment (e.g. at the end of executing the metadata tab), use  DimensionElementDelete.

Where can the DimensionElementDeleteDirect function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

What is the syntax for DimensionElementDeleteDirect?

DimensionElementDeleteDirect(DimName, ElName)​;

​DimName = Dimension Name​
ElName = Element Name

A demonstration on how to use DimensionElementDeleteDirect

Delete the element Wales from the dimension, Sales Region.