TM1 Function for TI, ElementAttrPutS

Uploads data from a string attribute for an element.

What is the ElementAttrPutS function?

ElementAttrPutS uploads data from a string attribute for an element.

Where can the ElementAttrPutS function be used?


What is the syntax for ElementAttrPutS?

ElementAttrPutS( Value, Dimension, Hierarchy, Element, Attribute, [LangLocaleCode] );​

​Value = the string value to be inputted into the Element Attribute​
Dimension = Name of the Dimension​
Hierarchy = Name of the Hierarchy within the Dimension​
Element = Name of the Element within the Dimension​
Attribute = Name of the Attribute​
LangLocaleCode = Language Locale Code – note this is an optional field.

A demonstration on how to use ElementAttrPutS

Use ElementAttrPutS to upload inactive to the active status attribute against Cleaners in the Product Type dimension.