TM1 Function for TI, HierarchyAttrNL

Retrieve a numeric attribute from a dimension’s hierarchy given a language locale.

What is the HierarchyAttrNL function?

Retrieve a numeric attribute from a dimension’s hierarchy given a language locale.

Where can the HierarchyAttrNL function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for HierarchyAttrNL?

HierarchyAttrNL(Dimension, Hierarchy, Attribute, [Locale]);

Dimension = name of dimension
Hierarchy = name of hierarchy
Attribute = name of attribute
Locale = language locale code that corresponds to the international language codes list in the }Cultures control dimension. If no locale is defined, the user’s current locale is used. An example of a language codes is fr-CA, which is French-Canada.