TM1 Function for TI, ​​HierarchySortOrder

Sets the order in which elements in a dimension are organized and displayed.

What is the HierarchySortOrder function?

HierarchySortOrder sets the order in which elements in a dimension are organized and displayed.

Where can the HierarchySortOrder function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for HierarchySortOrder?

HierarchySortOrder(DimensionName, HierarchyName, ComponentSortType, ComponentSortSense, ElementSortType, ElementSortSense);​

​DimensionName = Name of the dimension to be sorted​

HierarchyName = Name of the Hierarchy to be sorted​

ComponentSortType = Determines how components of consolidations will be sorted inside the dimension. There are two ways of sorting.

ComponentSortSense = Required parameter but applied only when ‘ComponentSortType is ‘ByName’. Determines the order in which components of consolidations will be organized.

ElementSortType = Determines how elements will be sorted inside the dimension. There are four ways of sorting.

ElementSortSense = Required parameter but applied only when ‘ElementSortType’ is ‘ByName’ or ‘ByLevel’. Determines the order in which consolidations will be organized.

A demonstration on how to use HierarchySortOrder

Use HierarchySortOrder to sort the dimension, Region not Sorted.