TM1 Function for TI, ​HierarchySubsetAttrInsert

Adds a new attribute for subsets.

What is the HierarchySubsetAttrInsert function?

HierarchySubsetAttrInsert adds a new attribute for subsets.

Where can the HierarchySubsetAttrInsert function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for HierarchySubsetAttrInsert?

HierarchySubsetAttrInsert(DimName, HierName, InsertionPoint, AttrName, AttrType)​;

​DimName = Dimension Name​
HierName = Hierarchy Name​
InsertionPoint = An existing attribute where the attribute is inserted before this attribute. If blank, the new attribute will be added as the first attribute for the subset in the dimension.​
AttrName = Subset Attribute Name​
AttrType = Attribute Type (N for numeric attribute, S for string attribute and A for alias attribute)

A demonstration on how to use HierarchySubsetAttrInsert

Add Office attribute in the Western Europe hierarchy from the Sales Region dimension.