TM1 Function for TI, HierarchySubsetElementInsert

Adds an element into a subset associated to a hierarchy.

What is the HierarchySubsetElementInsert function?

HierarchySubsetElementInsert adds an element into a subset associated to a hierarchy.

Where can the HierarchySubsetElementInsert function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for HierarchySubsetElementInsert?

HierarchySubsetElementInsert(DimensionName, HierarchyName, SubsetName, ElementName, Position);​

​DimensionName = Name of the dimension the subset is made of.​
HierarchyName = Name of the Hierarchy the subset is made of.​
SubsetName = Name of the subset the element will be added in.​
ElementName = Name of the element to insert in the existing subset.​
Position = Position Index Number inside the subset which the element will be insert.​

Note: The subset must be public

A demonstration on how to use HierarchySubsetElementInsert

Use HierarchySubsetElementInsert to insert Finance into the 5th position in the Departments subset that’s associated with the Employee hierarchy and Employee dimension.