TM1 Function for TI, HierarchyTopElementInsertDirect

Adds a root element to target hierarchy if there isn’t any root element in it.

What is the HierarchyTopElementInsertDirect function?

HierarchyTopElementInsertDirect adds a root element to target hierarchy if there isn’t any root element in it. This function is actioned immediately.  To action this function until the process makes a commitment (e.g. at the end of executing the metadata tab), use ​HierarchyTopElementInsert.

Where can the HierarchyTopElementInsertDirect function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for HierarchyTopElementInsertDirect?

HierarchyTopElementInsertDirect(DimensionName, HierarchyName, InsertionPoint, ElementName); ​

DimensionName = Name of the dimension to insert a top element.​
HierarchyName = Name of the Hierarchy to insert a top element.​
InsertionPoint = Position to add top element inside the hierarchy.​
ElementName = Name of the element to be direct insert as root element on the dimension

A demonstration on how to use HierarchyTopElementInsertDirect

Use HierarchyTopElementInsertDirect to insert the element, Total Customer, in the Customer dimension to position 1.