TM1 Function for TI, NumberToStringEx

Converts a numeric value into a string based on a specific numeric format string, specified decimal separator and specified thousands separator.

What is the NumberToStringEx function?

NumberToStringEx converts a numeric value into a string based on a specific numeric format string, specified decimal separator and specified thousands separator.

Where can the NumberToStringEx function be used?


What is the syntax for NumberToStringEx?

NumberToStringEx(Value, NumericFormat, DecimalSep, ThousandsSep);​

Value = any real number​
Numeric Format = TM1 numeric format string e.g. #,0.## ​
DecimalSep = Decimal separator to be used in the output​
ThousandsSep = Thousands separator to be used in the output

A demonstration on how to use NumberToStringEx

Using data from the Product Scorecard cube, convert the value to three decimal places with a dot as the decimal separator and comma as the thousands separator.