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TM1 Function for TI, SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault

Creates Security Overlay cube for a specific cube with a dimension map based on the dimension order in the cube.

What is the SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault function?

SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault creates Security Overlay cube for a specific cube with a dimension map based on the dimension order in the cube. Security Overlay cube is used to lock and unlock specific intersections at cell level according to the combination of dimension elements assigned.

Where can the SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault?

SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault (CubeName, DimensionMap);

​CubeName = cube for security overlay setting​
DimensionMap = dimension order in the cube to be included and excluded in the security overlay with string ‘1’ to include and ‘0’ to exclude.

A demonstration on how to use SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault

Create Security Overlay for ‘Sales Quota’ cube (}SecurityOvelayGlobal_Sales Quota) is created with ‘Scenario’ and ‘Year’ dimensions to be included and the other dimensions are excluded.