TM1 Function for TI, ​ServerSandboxMerge

Merges a source sandbox into a target sandbox for the user who executed the process.

What is the ServerSandboxMerge function?

ServerSandboxMerge merges a source sandbox into a target sandbox for the user who executed the process.

Where can the ServerSandboxMerge function be used?


What is the syntax for ServerSandboxMerge?

ServerSandboxMerge(SourceSandboxName, TargetSandboxName, ConflictRes, WaitForLocks);​

SourceSandboxName = Name of the existing sandbox owned by the user that will be merged into the target sandbox.​
TargetSandboxName = Name of the existing sandbox owned by the user that will be target and receive values from source sandbox. If black, TM1 will consider the TM1 database as target.​
ConflictRes = Optional and ignored parameter.​
WaitForLocks = Optional Boolean parameter. 1 means TM1 will wait to solve locks or exceptions and try the task again, without rolling back the number. 0 means TM1 will not wait for exceptions and rollback if that happens.

A demonstration on how to use ServerSandboxMerge

Use ServerSandboxMerge to merge the sandbox ‘Goal’ to ‘Training’.