TM1 Function for TI, SetOutputEscapeDoubleQuote

Retains or removes double quotes when outputting element names or data values to a text file.

What is the SetOutputEscapeDoubleQuote function?

SetOutputEscapeDoubleQuote retains or removes double quotes when outputting element names or data values to a text file.

Where can the SetOutputEscapeDoubleQuote function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for SetOutputEscapeDoubleQuote?

SetOutputEscapeDoubleQuote(FileName, Num);

​FileName = Output file name including extension.​
Num = Flag to determines if double quotes are retained in the output file or not.​
– 1: to retain double quotes as per the source data.​
– 0: not to retain double quotes as per the source data.

A demonstration on how to use SetOutputEscapeDoubleQuote

Use SetOutputEscapeDoubleQuote to retain double quotes in the System Info cube, data extract file.