StringToNumberEx function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)
StringToNumberEx converts a string value into a number based on a specified decimal and the thousand separator.
In this video, StringToNumberEx will be used to convert a string variable into a number to 4 decimal places. The decimal character will be set to a full stop, while the thousands operator will be set to a comma.
Where can the StringToNumberEx function be used?
Which TM1 Server version is the StringToNumberEx function available for?
Version 11 and 12
What is the syntax for StringToNumberEx?
StringToNumberEx(String, DecimalSep, ThousandsSep)
- String = any String
- DecimalSep = Decimal separator to be used in the output
- ThousandsSep = Thousands separator to be used in the output
Relevant Functions
- AsciiDelete: Deletes an ASCII file
- AsciiOutputOpen: Appends or overwrites content in a specified existing file that you would use in conjunction with functions that write to a file like AsciiOutput and TextOutput.
- AsciiOutput: writes data to a file to a directory the TM1 Server can access, using data sources from a cube, an ODBC source or no data sources.
- DatasourceAsciiDecimalSeperator: Sets the decimal separator
- DatasourceAsciiDelimiter: Sets the delimiter
- DatasourceASCIIHeaderRecords: sets the header records for a text file.
- DatasourceAsciiQuoteCharacter: Sets the quote character
- DatasourceASCIIThousandSeparator: sets the thousand separator for a text file.
- DatasourceCubeview: sets the cube view in the data source.
- DatasourceDimensionSubset: sets the dimension subset in the data source.
- DatasourceNameForClient: sets the name of the data source from the client’s perspective when creating or editing the process.
- DatasourceNameForServer: sets the name of the data source.
- DatasourcePassword: sets the password used for the data source
- DatasourceQuery: sets query for the data source
- DatasourceType: sets the type used for the data source
- DatasourceUsername: sets the name used to connect to the data source
- DatasourceODBOCatalog: sets the name of the ODBO database collection that you want to connect.
- DatasourceODBOConnectionString: sets the connection parameters required to connect to the OLAP server.
- DatasourceODBOCubeName: sets the cube name you want to connect to from the OLAP Server.
- DatasourceODBOHierarchyName: This function is used for OLAP products like SAP BW and sets the name of the hierarchy from a dimension.
- DatasourceODBOLocation: sets the name of the OLAP server’s location.
- DatasourceODBOProvider: sets the name of the ODBO provider installed on your server.
- DatasourceODBOSAPClientID: sets the client ID that connects to the SAP Server.
- DatasourceODBOSAPClientLanguage: sets the language specification from the SAP Server.
- NumberToString: convert a number to a string
- NumberToStringEx: Convert a numeric value into a string based on a specific numeric format string
- SetInputCharacterSet: Specify the encoding used in the data source.
- SetOutputCharacterSet: specifies the character set when writing to a text file using TextOutput.
- SetOutputEscapeDoubleQuote: Retains or removes double quotes when outputting element names or data values to a text file
- STR: convert a number to a string
- TextOutput: Writes and generates a text file in the specified path
- ViewExtractFilterByTitlesSet: Skip or include elements in the title axis when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput.
- ViewExtractSkipCalcsSet: Skip or include consolidated values when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput.
- ViewExtractSkipConsolidatedStringsSet: Skip or include strings on consolidated values when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput.
- ViewExtractSkipRuleValuesSet: Skip or include ruled values when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput.
- ViewExtractSkipZeroesSet: Skip or include zeros when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput.