TM1 Function for TI, TM1ProcessError.LOG
Generates a log file when a process encounters an error.
What is the TM1ProcessError.LOG function?
TM1ProcessError.LOG generates a log file when a process encounters an error.
Where can the TM1ProcessError.LOG function be used?
Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?
Version 11 and 12
What is the syntax for TM1ProcessError.LOG?
TM1ProcessError_u003ctime stampu003e_u003cprocess nameu003e.log
TM1ProcessError_ = TM1ProcessError file always start with TM1ProcessError_
Time stamp = Date and time that an error file has generate
Process name = Name of the process where error has occurred.
A demonstration on how to use TM1ProcessError.LOG
Execute an error to create a log file.