TM1 Function for TI, ViewAttrPutS 

Inserts a string to an attribute for a cube view.

What is the ViewAttrPutS  function?

ViewAttrPutS inserts a string to an attribute for a cube view.

Where can the ViewAttrPutS  function be used?


What is the syntax for ViewAttrPutS?

ViewAttrPutS(String, CubeName, ViewName, AttributeName, [LangLocaleCode] );​

String = text to be inputted​
CubeName = Parent cube of the view to have the numeric attribute set.​
ViewName = Name of the view to have the string attribute value set.​
AttributeName = Name of the attribute to receive the value.​
LangLocaleCode = Specifies the language code the attribute will be loaded (ISO 639-1). 

A demonstration on how to use ViewAttrPutS

Use the ViewAttrPutS to insert a string to the attribute, Description, from the Employee cube.