Dec 6 2022

    Cubewise EDU’s December Newsletter 2022

    Check out what’s happening in the world of IBM Planning Analytics, and harness our focus and enthusiasm to your benefit in one or more ways!

    Upskill your know-how on IBM Planning Analytics/TM1 … through our consultant-led training!

    Measure your advancement with a well-mapped learning pathway.

    Are you new to IBM Planning Analytics? These are the end-user courses we recommend, in this order.

    End User (Excel)Learn to explore data to be a proficient analyser and get to know all the reporting possibilities in Excel. Choose Perspectives or Planning Analytics for Excel.
    Advanced Reporting (Excel)Learn the intricacies required to create dynamic reports in Excel. Choose Perspectives or Planning Analytics for Excel.
    End User (PAW)Explore how to analyse data, utilise hierarchies and create dashboards for the web, using Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW).

    If you have already completed our end-user courses or have experience with IBM Planning Analytics/TM1 , continue your upskilling with these developer courses. Our recommended order is shown below.

    Developer FundamentalsLearn the fundamentals of dimension building, cube design, data loading, writing Rules and TurboIntegrator processes.
    Advanced TurboIntegratorLearn how experts use TurboIntegrator (TI) to write code beyond the restrictions provided by the wizard.
    Advanced RulesLearn how to write multi-cube logic and clearly understand how feeders work to ensure an efficient model.
    Advanced MDXLearn how to write advanced MDX within TM1 and client applications such as PAW and Planning Analytics for Excel to control the data received.
    TM1py FundamentalsThe ideal foundation to get you started with developing your own Python and TM1py scripts.
    Pulse FundamentalsLearn the functionalities that comes with Pulse such as live monitoring, user analytics, Excel analysis, documentation, migration and proactive alerts.
    Apliqo UX FundamentalsLearn how to create a modern, curated web experience for your IBM Planning Analytics/TM1 users.

    Looking to upskill in more than one course? Join the Power User Membership and gain access to ALL our courses!

    Email for more information.

    A new way of navigating the community hub will be launched starting Friday 9th December.

    The main update would be to the left navigation panel on the community hub.

    Global Feed: Global feed aggregates all posts from all resources you’re a part of, a central place for you to review updates.

    What’s New: Don’t miss out on the latest news and upcoming events.

    Training courses: All training course resources will be listed here.

    Free Resources: Resources available to all our members can be found under Free Resources.

    Reach out to if you have any questions.

    The TM1 Developer Credential tests the TM1 Developer’s ability to apply their knowledge to build a quality TM1 model from scratch, based on a set of well-written requirements.

    You would be required to create cubes and dimensions, write rules, prove their ability to use TurboIntegrator, set Chores, set up security and develop a user interface.

    Show employers you have the know-how to develop a model from scratch!

    Email for more information.

    We are excited to release the TM1py Fundamentals Post Training Insight: Connecting Oracle NetSuite to TM1

    Thanks to TM1py, there is no limit to ways to connect IBM Planning Analytics (TM1) with any data source on cloud or on-premise. This insight explains the logic to write a Python script to connect Oracle NetSuite with TM1. The only thing you will need is one Python script.

    Reach out to if you have any questions.

    In an attempt to illustrate our deep passion for IBM Planning Analytics / TM1, our Control CC team asked Cubewisers what was their lightbulb moment.

    Meet Jeff — a 20 year TM1 veteran that started his career in banking and found his lightbulb moment in the transparency that the product brought to the business. No more opaque calculations, no more multiple versions of the truth.. sound familiar?

    In the latest episode of the TM1 Breakfast Show, Jon has a conversation with Nimeesh about the least obvious way that people can get value out of their IBM Planning Analytics / TM1 system.

    Watch the episode to learn about:

    • High Value Support
    • Proactive Monitoring to increase user experience
    • Nimeesh’s top story in the past 2 years
    • What you don’t want to miss out on your TM1 application
    • Support model for new TM1 Users
    • Setting up your own continuous improvement process in TM1

    Useful links:
    Cubewise Care (link)
    Check out Nimeesh’s previous appearance on the Breakfast Show (link)
    Understand your model with Pulse for TM1 (link)
    Download your latest version of Pulse (link)

    Due to the great interest in Supply Focus’s first webinar on Demand Planning: Effortless and Accurate Demand Forecasts, the team have decided to host a follow-up session.

    We have already seen the importance of using the right algorithms depending on the case. Now we will focus on how to create a reliable S&OP based on our forecasts.

    Join Cubewise for a specialized digital event focused on best practices in demand planning by leveraging data and analytics with a robust and user-friendly planning process. See how we embrace your business’ complexity and unleash the potential of your data with Supply Focus powered by IBM Planning Analytics with Watson.

    When you’re first approaching any new FP&A system implementation, it can be very overwhelming. There is a lot to get right and the decisions you make early on will have an outsized impact on how the entire system works for you over the long term. Worst case a poor initial decision can have lasting consequences which you will need to live with. As a result, we always encourage new clients to take their time during the setup process and be as thorough as possible because it helps to avoid plenty of headaches down the road.

    In that spirit, we thought we’d briefly look at some of the many features worth paying attention to when setting up your FP&A ecosystem. These are all found in Apliqo’s FPM administration module – where you can tinker and make changes all you want. However, making the best use of this requires some thought around what some of these key initial pillars actually are.

    Written by Apliqo FP&A Team

    We’ve all faced the struggles that can come with trying to read and make sense of someone else’s code. Perhaps you’ve had to spend time cleaning someone else’s code in order to make it usable.

    The truth is that formatting code takes time and if your development software does not do it for you, it is very unlikely that developers will apply a standard practice across all their development. This creates unnecessary bottlenecks and gets in the way of efficient development processes.

    Clean code is quite simply: much easier to read and quicker to troubleshoot.

    There’s a famous quote from Mike Tyson that says: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” This is often how we feel when we try to make plans for our business. It looks great on paper and everyone thinks that they’ve built in enough margin for error – and then the circumstances change again and you’re back at square one. It can be very frustrating, we know, but there are ways to mitigate this risk and to improve the overall accuracy of your planning endeavors.

    The one way that we’re going to focus on today is to integrate your planning – bringing everything under one roof so that your plan is holistic and informed by all the data at your disposal.

    After years of economic expansion, we’re finally seeing the tide turn again as we enter what looks like it will be an extended recession. When you consider the impact of the pandemic, widespread inflation, war in Ukraine, and supply chain issues across the board – this is not something that should surprise us. But if you haven’t been paying attention and considering the impact of a recession on your business, you might find yourself in that position.

    Robust businesses are able to weather recessions because they evaluate the implications and make proactive decisions that protect their downside and manage their risk appropriately. The way that you do this is through scenario stress-testing

    Features that are new in IBM® Planning Analytics with Watson™.

    Planning Analytics Workspace

    Find out what’s new or changed in the most recent release of IBM® Planning Analytics Workspace. The new features described here always reflect the full capabilities of Planning Analytics Workspace on cloud.

    What’s new in books and reporting – 2.0.82

    Automatically remove duplicate members from current set in the set editor
    You can now automatically remove duplicate members from the Current set in the set editor by clicking Remove duplicated members. This is a quick way to remove any duplicates when you are creating a dynamic or static set, especially if the set includes a large number of members.

    Improved error handling when visualization has a missing mapped member
    Prior to IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.82, when a visualization did not find a mapped member, an error displayed and the application showed a blank visualization. This error could occur if a mapped member was removed from the data as a result of a change in the set, zero suppression, or calculation removal, or even if the user had insufficient TM1 permissions.

    Text fill color property added to single cell widgets
    You can now change the Fill color of Single Cell widgets.

    What’s new in plans and applications – 2.0.82

    Add attachments to applications and plans
    You can now add attachments to applications and plans. Attachments can be added to the application or plan overview, as well as to individual tasks or sections and to announcements.

    What’s new in modeling – 2.0.82

    New dimension editor available on the modeling workbench
    As part of our continued investment in the IBM Carbon Design methodology and in the interest of providing a consistent user experience across all components, the dimension editor in Planning Analytics Workspace has been updated to use Carbon Design principles. The new dimension editor also includes several usability and performance enhancements.

    Deprecation notices – 2.0.82

    The classic dimension editor to be removed from Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.84
    The new experience dimension editor was introduced on the modeling workbench in Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.82, while the classic dimension editor remained available on books.

    Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel

    Read about what’s new or updated in IBM® Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel.

    IBM® Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel was refreshed on November 3, 2022 to include fixes only.

    Updates to each version of Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel are cumulative. To see what was new in previous releases, see What’s new in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel.

    What’s new in TM1 Web

    There are new features in IBM® TM1® Web. For more information, see the TM1 Web documentation in IBM Knowledge Center.

    IBM® Planning Analytics TM1 Web was refreshed on November 10, 2022 to include the following changes.

    Updates to each version of TM1® Web are cumulative. To see what was new in the previous release, see What’s new in TM1 Web.

    Rename websheet tabs with the URL API CustomTitle parameter
    You can now rename websheet tabs in TM1 Web by using the new URL API parameter, CustomTitle.

    Websheets now scalable in Planning Analytics Workspace

    We wish you and your family a Happy Holiday season and very best for the New Year.
    Education Team

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