TM1 Function for Excel, TM1RPTELLEV

TM1RPTELLEV returns an element’s level relative to the root in the subset.

Where can the TM1RPTELLEV function be used?


What is the TM1RPTELLEV function?

TM1RPTELLEV returns an element’s level relative to the root in the subset.

What is the syntax for TM1RPTELLEV?

TM1RPTELLEV(RptRowFormula, Element)
RptRowFormula = an absolute reference to the formula TM1RPTROW, a Dynamic Report function
Element = an element returned from TM1RPTROW

A demonstration on how to use TM1RPTELLEV

Determine the level for each element on the row set from a Dynamic Report using the Product Scorecard cube.