TM1 Function for TI, DimensionSortOrder

Sorts the elements and components of consolidations within a dimension.

What is the DimensionSortOrder function?

DimensionSortOrder sorts the elements and components of consolidations within a dimension.

Where can the DimensionSortOrder function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for DimensionSortOrder?

DimensionSortOrder(DimName, CompSortType, CompSortSense, ElSortType , ElSortSense)​;

​DimName = Dimension Name​

CompSortType = sort type for components of consolidated elements ​
– ByInput: retain the original dimension element insert order​
– ByName: sort by name​

CompSortSense = the sense of order for CompSortType either ‘Ascending’ or ‘Descending’. This applies only when the CompSortType is ByName. ​
– Ascending: ascending alphabetical order​
– Descending: descending alphabetical order​

ElSortType = sort type for all elements​
– ByInput: retain the original dimension element insert order​
– ByName: sort by name​
– ByLevel:  Sorts dimension elements by level.​
– ByHierarchy – Sorts dimension elements by hierarchy.​

ElSortSense = the sense of order for ElSortType either ‘Ascending’ or ‘Descending’. This applies only when the ElSortType is ByName.​
– Ascending: ascending alphabetical order​
– Descending: descending alphabetical order

A demonstration on how to use DimensionSortOrder

​In the Sales Region dimension, sort the components by name in ascending order and elements by level in ascending order.