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TM1 Function for TI, HierarchySubsetDeleteAllElements

Deletes all elements in a subset from a hierarchy.

What is the HierarchySubsetDeleteAllElements function?

HierarchySubsetDeleteAllElements deletes all elements in a subset from a hierarchy. 

Where can the HierarchySubsetDeleteAllElements function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for HierarchySubsetDeleteAllElements?

HierarchySubsetDeleteAllElements(DimensionName, HierarchyName, SubsetName); ​

​DimensionName = Name of the dimension the subset is made of.​
HierarchyName = Name of the Hierarchy the subset is made of.​
SubsetName = Name of the subset.​

Note: The subset must be public

A demonstration on how to use HierarchySubsetDeleteAllElements

Use HierarchySubsetDeleteAllElements to delete all elements from the Departments subset associated with the Employee hierarchy and Employee dimension.