CellIncrementN function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)
CellIncrementN increases a numeric value by a value.
In this video, CellIncrementN is used to increment a cell by 500.
Where can the CellIncrementN function be used?
Which TM1 Server version is the CellIncrementN function available for?
Version 11 and 12
What is the syntax for CellIncrementN?
CellIncrementN(Value, Cube, e1, e2 [,…en])
- Value = a numeric value by which the existing cell value to be increased.
Value can be any number by itself or a number derived via a formula or a number retrieved from another cube such as assumptions cube etc - Cube = Cube Name to update the data
- e1,e2….en = Dimension element names determining the data point within the cube to be retrieved. The sequence of the element arguments should match to the order of the dimension in the cube.
Note:- Principle element name or Alias can be used as the argument to the function
- If using hierarchies, dimension name should be mentioned along with the element name like HierarchyName:ElementName
Relevant Functions
- AddCubeDependency = Establish cube dependency manually
- CellGetN = Retrieves a numeric value from a cube cell.
- CellGetS = Retrieves a string value from a cube cell.
- CellIncrementN = Increases a numeric value by a value.
- CellIsUpdateable = Checks whether a cube cell can be written to. If the cell can be written to, the function returns 1, otherwise a 0 is returned.
- CellPutProportionalSpread = Proportionally spreads a value to the children of a consolidation.
- CellPutN = Writes a numeric value to a cube cell.
- CellPutS = Writes a string value to a cube cell.
- CubeClearData = clears the entire data for a Cube
- CubeCreate = Creates a cube using the list of specified dimensions
- CubeDestroy = Deletes a Cube from the TM1 Server
- CubeDimensionCountGet = Returns the number of dimensions in a cube
- CubeExists = Used check if a cube exists on the TM1 Server
- CubeGetLogChanges = Determines whether the logging property of a cube is turned on or not
- CubeSaveData = Serialises a cube to disk
- CubeSetConnParams = Sets the connection parameters and encrypt the password for a virtual cube stored in }CubeProperties control cube
- CubeSetLogChanges = Sets the logging property for a cube
- CubeTimeLastUpdated = Returns a serial value which refers to the last time the cube was updated
- CubeUnload = Unloads a cube and its view from the memory