TM1 Function for TI, CubeCreate
Creates a cube using the list of specified dimensions.
What is the CubeCreate function?
CubeCreate creates a cube using the list of specified dimensions.
Where can the CubeCreate function be used?
Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?
Version 11 and 12
What is the syntax for CubeCreate?
CubeCreate(Cube, d1, d2 [,…dn]);
Cube = Name of the cube to be created
d1,d2…dn = Names of dimensions to be attached to the cube
Note: There should be minimum of 2 dimensions and maximum of 256 dimensions.
A demonstration on how to use CubeCreate
Create the new cube, zz_temp_cube, with this dimensions order:
1. Version
2. Year
3. Period
4. Currency
5. Account
6. General Ledger Measure