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CreateHierarchyByAttribute function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)

    CreateHierarchyByAttribute creates a hierarchy composed of three levels. The lowest level is the N element, the first parent is a given attribute, and the top level is given by a parameter. The new hierarchy will have the same name as the given attribute.

    In the video, CreateHierarchyByAttribute will be used to create a hierarchy for the Employee dimension.

    Where can the CreateHierarchyByAttribute function be used?


      Which TM1 Server version is the CreateHierarchyByAttribute function available for?

      Version 11

        What is the syntax for CreateHierarchyByAttribute?

        CreateHierarchyByAttribute(DimensionName, AttributeName, EmptyParentName, RootName)

        • ​​DimensionName = Name of the dimension to create a new hierarchy.​
        • AttributeName = Name of the attribute to be used as middle level of the new hierarchy. The AttributeName also names the new hierarchy.​
        • EmptyParentName = Name of the middle level parent when a N Level element does not have a value for the parameter ‘AttributeName’. If this parameter is left blank, TM1 will insert the N Level element in the TopLevel element.​
        • RootName = Name of the TopLevel element to be added to the new hierarchy.

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