HierarchySortOrder function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)
HierarchySortOrder sets the order in which elements in a dimension are organized and displayed.
In the video, HierarchySortOrder will be used to sort the dimension, Region, not Sorted.
Where can the HierarchySortOrder function be used?
Which TM1 Server version is the HierarchySortOrder function available for?
Version 11 and 12
What is the syntax for HierarchySortOrder?
HierarchySortOrder(DimensionName, HierarchyName, ComponentSortType, ComponentSortSense, ElementSortType, ElementSortSense)
- DimensionName = Name of the dimension to be sorted
- HierarchyName = Name of the Hierarchy to be sorted
- ComponentSortType = Determines how components of consolidations will be sorted inside the dimension. There are two ways of sorting.
- ComponentSortSense = Required parameter but applied only when ‘ComponentSortType is ‘ByName’. Determines the order in which components of consolidations will be organized.
- ElementSortType = Determines how elements will be sorted inside the dimension. There are four ways of sorting.
- ElementSortSense = Required parameter but applied only when ‘ElementSortType’ is ‘ByName’ or ‘ByLevel’. Determines the order in which consolidations will be organized.
Relevant Functions
- CreateHierarchyByAttribute = Creates a hierarchy composed of three levels. The lowest level is the N element, the first parent is a given attribute, and the top level is given by a parameter. The new hierarchy will have the same name as the given attribute.
- HierarchyContainsAllLeaves = If a hierarchy contains all leaf elements in the dimension. If all are leaf elements, the function returns 1 (True), and if missing one or more leaf elements, it returns 0 (false).
- HierarchyCreate = Creates a new hierarchy in a dimension.
- HierarchyDeleteAllElements = Deletes all elements in a hierarchy.
- HierarchyDeleteElements = Deletes an element from a hierarchy.
- HierarchyDestroy = Deletes a hierarchy from a dimension.
- HierarchyElementComponentAdd = Adds an element to a consolidated element in a hierarchy, rolling up according to the weight defined.
- HierarchyElementComponentAddDirect = Adds an element to a consolidated element in a hierarchy, rolling up according to the weight defined.
- HierarchyElementComponentDelete = Deletes a component (child) from a consolidated element in a hierarchy.
- HierarchyElementComponentDeleteDirect = Deletes a component (child) from a consolidated element in a specific hierarchy in a dimension. This function is actioned immediately.
- HierarchyElementDelete = Deletes a member element of a specific hierarchy.
- HierarchyElementDeleteDirect = Deletes a member element of a specific hierarchy in a dimension. This function is actioned immediately.
- HierarchyElementExists = Checks whether an element exists in a dimension.
- HierarchyElementInsert = Adds an element to a hierarchy.
- HierarchyElementInsertDirect = Adds an element to a specific hierarchy. This function is actioned immediately.
- HierarchyElementPrincipalName = Returns the principal name of an element given an alias or the element name itself.
- HierarchyExists = Checks whether a specific hierarchy exists in a dimension.
- HierarchyHasOrphanedLeaves = Returns 1 if a hierarchy in a dimension has an orphaned element or returns 0 if there is no orphaned element in that hierarchy.
- HierarchySortOrder = Sets the order in which elements in a dimension are organized and displayed.
- HierarchyTimeLastUpdated = Returns a number that refers to the last time the hierarchy was updated.
- HierarchyTopElementInsert = Adds a root element to a hierarchy, if there isn’t any root element in it.
- HierarchyTopElementInsertDirect = Adds a root element to the target hierarchy if there isn’t any root element in it. This function is actioned immediately.
- HierarchyUpdateDirect = Performs a full rewrite of a hierarchy that has been subject to direct editing.