TM1 Function for Excel, DBS

DBS is used to send a value to a cube’s cell. This function cannot send a string to a cube. To send strings, use the DBSS function. This function would typically be used when the data comes from a person that does not have access to TM1.

Where can the DBS function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the DBS function?

DBS is used to send a value to a cube’s cell. This function cannot send a string to a cube. To send strings, use the DBSS function. This function would typically be used when the data comes from a person that does not have access to TM1.

What is the syntax for DBS?

DBS(Value, TM1ServerName:CubeName, Element1, Element2, Element3, …, ElementN)
Value = The numeric value to be sent
TM1ServerName = Name of the TM1 Server
CubeName = Name of the Cube
Element1 to ElementN = An element in each dimension from the Cube. Each element must be ordered based on the dimension for the Cube.

A demonstration on how to use DBS

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