TM1 Function for Excel, DBSW

DBSW sends a numeric value to a cube’s cell.

Where can the DBSW function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the DBSW function?

DBSW sends a numeric value to a cube’s cell. DBSW is more efficient over a WAN than DBS. This function cannot send a string to a cube. To send strings, use the DBSS function. This function would typically be used when the data comes from a person that does not have access to TM1.

What is the syntax for DBSW?

DBSW(Value, TM1ServerName:CubeName, Element1, Element2, Element3, …, ElementN)
Value = The numeric value to be sent
TM1ServerName = Name of the TM1 Server
CubeName = Name of the Cube
Element1 to ElementN = An element in each dimension from the Cube. Each element must be ordered based on the dimension for the Cube.

A demonstration on how to use DBSW

Send values into Budget from Excel into TM1 for the period Q2.