TM1 Function for TI, CellPutN

Writes a numeric value to a cube cell.

What is the CellPutN function?

CellPutN writes a numeric value to a cube cell.

Where can the CellPutN function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for CellPutN?

CellPutN(value, Cube, e1, e2 [,…, en])​;

​Value = numeric value to be send to the cube​
Numeric value can be a direct number from a source file or result of any numeric calculations or reference to a numeric value within the same cube or any other cube in the instance for e.g. an assumptions cube etc​
Cube = Cube Name to write the value to​
e1,e2….en = Dimension element names determining the data point within the cube to be retrieved. The sequence of the element arguments should match to the order of the dimension in the cube.​
Note: This function will replace an existing value in the cube cell and not add/deduct from it, for which we need to use the function CellIncrementN.

A demonstration on how to use CellPutN

There are two demos on the Product Scorecard cube:​
1. Spread 10,000 to Bikes, that contain no values​
2. Spread 3,500,000 to Accessories, that has values