TM1 Function for TI, CreateHierarchyByAttribute

Creates a hierarchy composed of three levels. The lowest level is the N element, the first parent is a given attribute, and the top level is given by a parameter. The new hierarchy will have the same name as the given attribute.

What is the … function?

CreateHierarchyByAttribute creates a hierarchy composed of three levels. The lowest level is the N element, the first parent is a given attribute, and the top level is given by a parameter. The new hierarchy will have the same name as the given attribute.

Where can the … function be used?


Which TM1 Server version is this function available for?

Version 11

What is the syntax for …?

CreateHierarchyByAttribute(DimensionName, AttributeName, EmptyParentName, RootName);​

​DimensionName = Name of the dimension to create a new hierarchy.​
AttributeName = Name of the attribute to be used as middle level of the new hierarchy. The AttributeName also names the new hierarchy.​
EmptyParentName = Name of the middle level parent when a N Level element does not have a value for the parameter ‘AttributeName’. If this parameter is left blank, TM1 will insert the N Level element in the TopLevel element.​
RootName = Name of the TopLevel element to be added to the new hierarchy.

A demonstration on how to use …

Use CreateHierarchyByAttribute to create a hierarchy for the Employee dimension.